We are dedicated to improving the lives of Perry County residents, families and communities.
A History of Growth
PHS began operations in 1974 to provide counseling, information and education,
as well as drug-free alternative activities to area young people. Over the past three decades, our programs have expanded to meet the county’s need for drug and
alcohol services, adult social services, and educational programs in the schools
and the community.
Solid Organization
PHS is a non-profit community-based organization offering individuals a full range of personal and confidential assistance programs. A board of directors, comprised of volunteers from all parts of the county, oversees PHS operations. All board meetings are open to the public.
Creativity for the Future |
Serving one of Pennsylvania’s fastest-growing counties requires PHS to continually evaluate and improve our services. We pride ourselves in our creative programming as we strive to meet each individual’s needs. Our ability to offer innovative approaches to solving personal problems is crucial as the county’s growth creates new and more challenging demands for service.
General donations may be made and are considered charitable donations. An acknowledgment of your donation is provided. Donations are also accepted online on our main page. Checks may be made payable to “Perry Human Services” and mailed to: PO Box 436, New Bloomfield, PA 17068 |
Special Donations
Donations may be made to PHS “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone. We will send a letter to the family or person to let them know that a contribution was given in their name or the name of their loved one. If you would like further information about this, call 717-582-8703.